The “O” | Hamburgueria Da Baixa

This Grinch was in a pinch and had no plan for lunch. My Wife, being a dear, sorted out an order which thankfully arrived, by moto, as I returned home. Take away burgers are usually a touch disappointing. So, I sat down with modest lunch expectations. Surprisingly, Hamburgueria da Baixa surprised me... and pleasantly so. Let's dive into the review below!

New Review

Reviewed by Burger Grinch

This Grinch was in a pinch and had no plan for lunch. My Wife, being a dear, sorted out an order which thankfully arrived, by moto, as I returned home. Take away burgers are usually a touch disappointing. So, I sat down with modest lunch expectations. Surprisingly, Hamburgueria da Baixa surprised me… and pleasantly so. Let’s dive into the review below!


This Grinch was in a pinch and had no plan for lunch. My Wife, being a dear, sorted out an order which thankfully arrived, by moto, as I returned home. Take away burgers are usually a touch disappointing. So, I sat down with modest lunch expectations. Surprisingly, Hamburgueria da Baixa surprised me... and pleasantly so. Let's dive into the review below!

The “O” | Hamburgueria Da Baixa














Quick Verdict: Delivered a decent burger and helped me out of a pinch.

 Bun: 17/20

Good sesame seed bun. Felt like an artisanal bun, not Bimbo. Firm but soft to the touch. Impressively, the bun held up really well, considering it was boxed and delivered to my house.


Toppings: 17/20

 The “O” out of the box thrusts a bunch of bacon in your face. No doubt there are other toppings to the O, but at first glance you would never know it. I always cut a burger in half. It was only after cutting that the fried egg was noticed, exposing a rich yolk (perfectly cooked) as the hidden treasure. Nice rocket lettuce as well, adding a bit of green and crisp texture.


Condiments: 7/10

 Nothing really notable with the condiments. OK, did nothing to add or detract from the burger.


Cheese: 9/10

 The “O” has a great slice of cheddar. Perfectly melted, the cheddar cheese added flavor and healthy bit of grease to help the hamburger go down right.


Patty: 17/20

100% All Beef Patty, well cooked. The patty  looked generic, like it came frozen out of a box. To be fair, maybe the patty did come out of a box, but credit the chef or kitchen magic… but this patty was pretty darn good!


Taste: 17/20

I am not usually a fan of eggs in hamburgers, but the O seemed to be brought together by the egg. Give credit the Chef and burger designer. This is a well constructed hamburger and clever title, if you consider O denotes ovo, or egg in Portuguese.



Verdict: 84/100

Hamburgueria da Baixa “delivered” a nice little surprise. The packaging was great, the burger and fries survived the transportation in excellent form. The burger itself was cheesy, bacony and tasty in all the correct proportions. In conclusion I was left surprised and a touch overwhelmed by a seemingly generic home-delivery burger order.

Immediately upon polishing off the burg, I was into google and trying to learn more about Hamburgueria da Baixa. Turns out they are a hamburger chain with a host of locations throughout Portugal. The business appears to be proudly and distinctly Portuguese, which is a welcome sight in a food scene overrun by global food chains. I am certain to have passed by one of their many restaurants. Probably mistaking their decor for a tourist trap. But I am genuinely intrigued and find myself reading over the menu and planning my next target order from these guys. Above all I, we, love to taste burgers and try out new restaurants… and these guys have completely earned our respect and another visit!


Nutritional information