Portugal Burger

Welcome to our blog, a place where we can talk seriously review the burgers in Portugal. We are a group of burger enthusiasts from around the world, living in Portugal. Diverse in origin, we share a love of
burgers and a bit of energy for searching out the good ones here in Portugal. In its way, a burger can be a fun, tasty and decadent meal. It is one of our most universal and beloved modern foods; we aim to pay homage to burgers, burger makers and Foodie Culture.

We undertake to review Portugal’s burgers, using a practical and consistent scorecard based on typical burger components. Burger scores will be rated and listed, so readers can search our lists to find the burgers and restaurants best suited to their locations and tastes.

Here is our scorecard:

Quick Verdict – We like to start with the briefest of summaries, both of the burger and the experience. Is our attempt to, “set the table,” for the review to follow.

Bun – 20 possible points – A good bun should have enough structure to keep all the components together, yet soft enough to avoid chewiness. Taste should always compliment and not dominate, contributing to best
overall taste.

Toppings – 20 possible points – Most burgers have a signature flavor they are trying to achieve. With that in mind, we analyze and score the toppings and the success to which they realize the chef’s intention.

Condiments – 10 possible points – Mustard, Ketchup, pickles… there are basic burger additions that are not part of the signature and can be added or subtracted according to personal tastes.

Cheese – 10 possible points – There are burgers that do not have cheese, but those kind of burgers are not for us!

Patty – 20 possible points – The motor that drives the engine of every burger creation! If there was no patty, it would be a sandwich, not a hamburger.

Taste – 20 possible points – A burger itself is an ensemble of components, flavors and cooking skills. In a way the “Taste” score is the attempt to combine each and every component as aspect of the burger and consolidate into one number that reflects the success of the total effort.

Our Verdict – Total Score – Here is the extended opinion of both the burger and experience. The summary and parting thoughts as we close the book on the day’s review.

So there you go. Are we too serious about burgers? We don’t think so and hope that you get some benefit to following us and our blog.


PT Burger Team